$97.00 Per Month Sale ends June 30, 2020

Buy before June 30 lock-in the lower price

Live Trading Alerts

Save time reviewing hundreds of charts

Find EXACTLY your setups (only tickers that qualify)

Stop "Chasing trades" by being alerted of the move

Eliminate "fear of pulling the trigger" (know when a

ticker is moving)

Stop "leaving money on the table" (manage your

exits with lower timeframe alerts)

Stop "Predicting turns" by trading alerts that show

the turn, not hope for it

Stop ignoring the overall market (by watching alerts


Gain massive efficiency versus chart flipping or

waiting on someone to feed you trade ideas

100% Secure. We Never Spam Your Email.

Trader Benefits

Game Changer: 

Live Trading Alerts - A tool that saves a trader time, focuses their attention on the few tickers that exhibit EXACTLY the behavior (price pattern, signal and movement) they desire. No flipping through charts, no waiting on someone else to recommend a chart, no missing trades and uncertainty about when to act...just actionable, real-time trading alerts.

Create scans for setups instead of a useless list

Build your own custom Alert strategies

Know when any of your positions are breaking down

Know when any of your watch-list tickers breakout

Identify unusual volume flows

Find patterns and signals on Intraday and Daily

time frames

Find the breakouts and breakdowns before

the crowd does

Malcom M.

Love LTA scanner...SQ is up 75.6% on my 2 contracts

Roger H.

I became an LTA scanner user in February after seeing how efficiently it is able to find stocks that fit specific chart patterns. Because I trade part time and am not always in the chatroom to see live recommendations from Rick or other traders, the LTA scanner brings me trade alerts to consider precisely at the times that I am available to trade. My results each month since using the scanner speak for themselves and have paid for the monthly scanner fee, MANY times over.

Tim C

After trying multiple scanners from different companies, I would highly recommend the Live Trading Alert (LTA) scanner. The LTA scanner eliminates the need to search thru hundreds or even thousands of stock charts looking for the right opportunity to enter a trade. Instead of spending valuable time looking thru charts for trades, LTA allows you to choose your favorite trade entry parameters and now the trade opportunities come to you.

I have to add, a big customer service bonus is Ed, the manager of LTA can personally custom build your exact desired scan criteria if is not already included in the hundreds of LTA proven successful scans.

Superior product, amazing customer service and great price. 

Bob C.

I love this scanner! I made $460.00 this week on my MYGN...right off the scanner!!

Don D.

Took weekly goal on CVS calls yesterday from LTA for 14%

Live Trading Alerts © 2019. All rights reserved